The calvary to the rescue

Calvary to the rescue

Optera are progressing well with works to rebuild a turret on the corner of this grade II listed property in Rugeley. Having taken down the old tower and grubbed out the footings, a new piled ground beam has been installed to provide a robust foundation on which to rebuild.

Every brick has had to be hand-scribed and cut due to the irregular shape of the turret in compliance with the listed building consent. We have rebuilt part of the coach house elevation due to damage caused by the toothed brickwork of the tower rotten oak roof timbers have been cut out spliced locally to confirm with listing specifications

Working with our conservation engineer, Frank W Haywood and associates, Optera have sympathetically recreated the failed turret using a combination of innovative foundation engineering with traditional craftsmanship. The rendering will commence next week to bring this challenging project to a conclusion.